From Our Pastor's Desk
From Our Pastor's Desk
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, retreat is very important in our Christian life. It can be defined as a definite time spent away from one’s normal life for the purpose of reconnecting, usually in prayer, with God. In today’s gospel account, Jesus retreats. ‘Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves,’ we hear. It seems that Jesus needs to get away from it all, and what better place to get away from it all than a mountaintop? This retreat comes at a turning point in Jesus’ ministry – and, coincidentally or not, this happens about half way through the gospel according to Matthew. For months, Jesus has been traveling the Galilean countryside, and occasionally beyond its borders; preaching, healing, performing miracles, proclaiming and the good news of kingdom of God. But then the focus and the mood shifts. It all starts when some Pharisees and Saddcuees ask Jesus for a sign from heaven, basically questioning his authority. Who are you, Jesus?
This must have led to some self-reflection on the part of Jesus, for shortly thereafter, Jesus asks his disciples. ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ And then, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ He made the first prediction of his passion, death and resurrection and has told his disciples the need for them to deny themselves, carry their cross and follow him. Jesus needed to strengthen them to face what was to happen to him in Jerusalem. The disciples needed a confirmation that Jesus’ evaluation of the will of God is correct. He took Peter, James and John from their ordinary day life up the mountain to have a deeper revelation of the person and mission of Jesus. They climbed the mountain of prayer. On that mountain, they experienced another side of Jesus that they have never seen. “His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with him.” And they got the confirmation from the voice in the cloud that said “listen to him”. Our spiritual exercise are meant to help us to listen to Jesus who speaks to us about God’s plan for us. When we learn to listen to God, we grow in faith because the Word of God enlightens us and nourishes our faith. My dear friends, retreat is a time when the Lord calls us from our ordinary day life, from our experiences and situation, joy, anxiety, fears, securities, to be with him on the mountain. To experience the Lord who is committed in forming his character in us. We all get tired and need time to think afresh about our image of God, our commitment to him and our mission in the service of the Kingdom which Jesus entrusted to us. There are moments that what we need most is to find a new enthusiasm and a new affirmation from the Lord. who wants to say to speak to you. May the grace of God lead and direct us. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Fr. Paschal Chester, SVD Comments are closed.
January 2025
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