From Our Pastor's Desk
From Our Pastor's Desk
Today is a very special day. We come dressed for a feast and carrying palms in our hands because Holy Week is starting. For forty days we have followed the path of conversion and penance. There are two contradictory feelings in our hearts: on the one hand, joy at seeing Christ make a solemn entrance into Jerusalem and be proclaimed king; on the other, sorrow from knowing what he will suffer for us in a few days. Offend-ed, betrayed, beaten, humiliated! We are going to see him climb up Calvary with the Cross on his shoulders and die for us. Brothers and Sisters, 1. Palm Sunday is the gateway through which we enter Holy Week. On Thursday we will celebrate the Last Supper, in which Jesus leaves us his Body and Blood, and his commandment of love. On Friday, we will go with him to his Passion and Death. Saturday will be a day of mourning, but that night, at the Easter Vigil, we will recall his passage from death back to life, and we will renew our baptismal commitments. 2. Everything that is going to happen this week will trouble us and fill us with sorrow: the Son of God, who came into the world to free the poor and the suffering, decides to live out in his own body the experience of defeat, of the silence of God, of death. The Good Shepherd becomes the sacrificial lamb; the Sower be-comes the grain of wheat that dies; the Lord becomes the servant wounded by suffering, as the prophet Isaiah foretold. This is the Jesus we want to follow, because we believe in Him, because we know that his Cross is the source of life, because we already feel in ourselves the light of the resurrection that we will celebrate in a week. 3. Who is not able to recall the fervor of his Christian life during the years of his First Holy Communion? Who hasn't heard God's voice at one time or another, asking him to be more generous and accept the cross-es life brings, bearing them with love? Let us go into the Church and sing with great joy: "Jesus, You are our King!" On Good Friday, we will also be at the foot of the Cross. Will there be anyone who by his sin still shouts out "Crucify him!"? Let us not allow these days of grace to go to waste. Here are some very good ideas, for example: let us go to the ceremonies; find time to read and meditate the Gospel account of the last days of Jesus; if anyone is sick, let them unite their sufferings to Christ's for the salvation of sinners; or as we meditate on the Crucifixion, let us think of our own death, and prepare for it with faith; let us help someone who is terminally ill, by drawing them closer to receive the last sacraments. How much do we have to ask him for, and also to thank him for! Amen. THE HOUR
January 2025
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